Unlock the Ultimate Membership Experience

Investing in our $99/month membership is not an expense; it's an investment in your creativity, your craft, and your passion. Our membership is designed to pay for itself and more, ensuring that every photography endeavor becomes a rewarding experience.

Perk Details

  • 01. Complimentary Studio Time

    Gain access to exclusive member-only events, workshops, sales, and promotions, connecting you with fellow photographers and enriching your creative journey.

  • 05. Free Yeti Water Bottle

    As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive a one time, complimentary 26 oz. Yeti water bottle when your membership has been active for 3 consecutive months. It's a refreshing way to stay hydrated during your sessions.

  • 02. Discounted Rates

    Enjoy a 10% discount on hourly studio bookings, allowing you to immerse yourself in capturing moments and creating art without budget worries. Additionally, our membership offers a substantial 20% discount on full-day studio bookings, giving you the flexibility to conquer larger projects effortlessly.

  • 06. Special Access

    Gain access to exclusive member-only events, workshops, sales, and promotions, connecting you with fellow photographers and enriching your creative journey.

  • 03. Exclusive Savings

    Enjoy 10% off shop or in-store product purchases, prop rentals, and makeup booth rentals, making sure your projects come to life with style.

  • 07. Automotive Repair Benefits

    Take advantage of automotive perks, including a complimentary synthetic oil change per year (up to $75 value), a 10% discount on any mechanical work, and one $500 deductible waiver per year for any insurance approvedauto body repair exceeding $3,000 completed at AZ1 Collision & Repair Center, one of our trusted partners.

  • 04. Yearly Bonus

    After 12 consecutive months of membership, enjoy a bonus of 2 extra 1-hour sessions in any studio of your choosing—our way of celebrating your dedication.

  • 08. Car Sales Discount

    Receive a $500 discount off any car sale deal completed with AKOI Motors, one of our trusted partners.

01. Complimentary Studio Time

Enjoy two 1-hour sessions per month in studios 3, 4, and 5, or one 1-hour session per month in studios 1, 2, and 4. It’s time to bring your visions to life without limitations (sessions cannot be rolled over to the following months).

02. Discounted Rates

Enjoy a 10% discount on hourly studio bookings, allowing you to immerse yourself in capturing moments and creating art without budget worries. Additionally, our membership offers a substantial 20% discount on full-day studio bookings, giving you the flexibility to conquer larger projects effortlessly.

03. Exclusive Savings

Enjoy 10% off shop or in-store product purchases, prop rentals, and makeup booth rentals, making sure your projects come to life with style.

04. Yearly Bonus

After 12 consecutive months of membership, enjoy a bonus of 2 extra 1-hour sessions in any studio of your choosing—our way of celebrating your dedication.

05. Free Yeti Water Bottle

As a token of our appreciation, you'll receive a one time, complimentary 26 oz. Yeti water bottle when your membership has been active for 3 consecutive months. It's a refreshing way to stay hydrated during your sessions.

06. Special Access

Gain access to exclusive member-only events, workshops, sales, and promotions, connecting you with fellow photographers and enriching your creative journey.

07. Automotive Repair Benefits

Take advantage of automotive perks, including a complimentary synthetic oil change per year (up to $75 value), a 10% discount on any mechanical work, and one $500 deductible waiver per year for any insurance approvedauto body repair exceeding $3,000 completed at AZ1 Collision & Repair Center, one of our trusted partners.

08. Car Sales Discount

Receive a $500 discount off any car sale deal completed with AKOI Motors, one of our trusted partners.

With all these exclusive benefits, our $99/month membership is an investment that will enhance your photography experience, save you money, and provide you with a supportive community of fellow photographers. Join us today and watch your creative journey flourish

Book Your Studio

If you are an existing member and wish to schedule a complimentary monthly session or require information on member benefits and redemptions, please contact us directly at info@fthstudio.com . Thank you.